Richard Ramirez, infamously known as the Night Stalker, was one of America’s most notorious serial killers, terrorizing the residents of Los Angeles and San Francisco during the mid-1980s. His reign of terror, characterized by a brutal spree of rape, murder, and burglary, instilled fear and paranoia in communities throughout California. Ramirez’s crimes shocked the nation and left a lasting impact on the collective psyche.
Born on February 29, 1960, in El Paso, Texas, Ramirez’s childhood was marked by violence, abuse, and trauma. He was exposed to the criminal underworld from an early age, idolizing his older cousin, Miguel Ramirez, who served in the Vietnam War and regaled him with gruesome tales of violence and brutality. Ramirez’s upbringing was further marred by his abusive father, who subjected him to physical and emotional abuse.
As Ramirez grew older, he became increasingly troubled and rebellious, engaging in petty crimes and substance abuse. By his late teens, he had developed a fascination with Satanism and the occult, drawing inspiration from heavy metal music and horror movies. These dark influences would later manifest in his crimes, as Ramirez adopted a sinister persona that struck fear into the hearts of his victims.